Chinese giant salamander immigrated to the north
diverting water from the south to the north median
Southern Water to the North
strategic shift to the north
the middle line engineering of transferring water from the South to the North of China
the project of diverting the water from the south to the north
the project of water diversion from the South to the North via the western course
the project of water diversion of from the South to the North via the western course
the project of water division from the South to the North
the source area of the Middle Line Project of Transferring Water from the South to the North
the The Middle Line Project of Transferring Water from the South to the North
transferning water from the south to the north
transferring water from the South to the North
Water Division from the South to the North
Water transforming to the north
sending grains from the South to the North
sending grains from the North to the South
A trip to the border area in the north of China
general layout of the south to north water diversi
necessity of the south to north water diversion pr